Body Care Health & Chiropractic


We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

Benefits for Over 55's

You are never too old to receive the benefits of Chiropractic Care!

Chiropractic care is extremely important for people aged 55 and over because of the dramatic changes that occur in the spine and body with increasing age. Not to mention all of the years of physical stress and strain we put our bodies through.

As we age spinal discs, joints, muscles and ligaments become weaker, less hydrated and less able to withstand normal stresses. As a result, pain from arthritis becomes more noticeable and tissues become injured much more easily and the time to heal takes longer.


A study reported that over 55’s Chiropractic users were;

-          Less likely to have been hospitalised

-          Less likely to have used a nursing home

-          More likely to report better health status

-          More likely to exercise vigorously

-          More likely to be mobile in the community

-          Less likely to use prescription drugs, and

-          Reported an overall better health status

Haas, M., et al. (2005). “Chronic Disease Self-Management Program for Low Back Pain in the Elderly.” Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 28(4): 228-237.


So how can Chiropractic care achieve these above points?

-          Chiropractic care decreases the frequency and severity of spinal and joint pain.

-          Chiropractic increases spinal and joint range of motion

-          Chiropractic increases balance and coordination

-          Chiropractic increases joint nutrition and decreases joint degeneration and arthritis

-          Chiropractic can decrease injuries from activities such as gardening and golf, or accidents like a fall


At Body Care Health & Chiropractic, our Chiropractor Dr Felicity Ede specialises in Chiropractic care for people aged 55 and over. She has years of experience and treats both in clinic and also at Retirement and Aged Care facilities. Felicity uses gentle techniques that are modified in accordance with age, health conditions, comfort level and personal goals.

If you or a family member is aged 55 and over and would like to experience these benefits of Chiropractic care or perhaps would like to find out more, please call Body Care Health & Chiropractic.

Chiropractic care can help you age gracefully!

Further reports from studies on the benefits of Chiropractic;

A recent study evaluated the health status of 414 elderly individuals (average age of 80 years) and compared those individuals under chiropractic care with those not under chiropractic care. The researchers found a number of significant findings which included:

· 87% of those who used chiropractic care rated their health as good or excellent compared with only 68% in the non-chiropractic group

· 13% of those who used chiropractic care rated their health as fair or poor compared with 32% in the non-chiropractic group

· 44% of those who used chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66% in the non-chiropractic care group

· Those who used chiropractic care were more likely to do strenuous levels of exercise

· At 3 years follow-up, less than 5% of those who used chiropractic care used a nursing home while a staggering 48% of those who did not use chiropractic care did use a nursing home

· At 3 years follow-up, only 26% of those who used chiropractic care were hospitalised compared with 48% of those in the non-chiropractic group

Study Coulter, PhD et al. Chiropractic and Care for the Elderly. Top Clin Chiro 1996;3(2):46-55.

Felicity Ede