

We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

Benefits of the Sun

This year we have experienced our fair share of rain, so it is important to make the most of the sunny days!

When we think of the sun, often our first thought is to protect ourselves due to damage ie skin cancer. However, small amounts of sun especially early in the day can be good for your health both physically and mentally.

Some benefits of receiving some sun on your face (approx. 10mins daily) include:

-          Vitamin D. This nutrient is important for your bones, immune system and blood cells.

-          Improved sleep. Getting sun first thing in the day triggers the reward centre in your brain and establishes your circadian rhythm, aiding sleep later that night.

-          Emotional wellbeing. Sunlight helps boost a chemical in your brain called Serotonin which can give you more energy, help keep you calm and focused.


Even though there are health benefits from being in the sun, always be cautious of the negative effects too. The above suggestion is for staying in the sun for approximately 10 minutes. Do not stay out for too long and make sure you speak to your GP or skin specialist if you have any questions about your skin type or any freckles you discover. Sunscreen is also suggested, as you can still experience the benefits while protecting your skin.

Author: Dr Felicity Ede