

We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

Tech Neck

Tech Neck = pain from using your mobile, tablet or laptop

Are you currently reading this on your phone, tablet or perhaps your laptop? Looking down at your phone, tablet or laptop can cause ongoing neck pain. When you hold this tilted, head-forward position for longer periods of time you may develop what is referred to as “Tech Neck” or sometimes “Text Neck”. Tech Neck can cause you to develop a repetitive stress injury or muscle strain.

Tech Neck can be avoided by changing a few daily habits. Here are 6 simple steps you can take to prevent this injury:

1.       Exercise instead of being on your phone!

Get out into the fresh air or go to the gym and get moving instead of looking at screens.

2.       Take breaks often

If you look at a screen for an extended period of time, take breaks. Ideally you should take a break at least every 20 minutes for even just 2-3 minutes. Set an alarm on your phone if you need to remind yourself. Perhaps go for a little walk or do some simple neck and back stretches.

3.       Raise your screen higher

One of the main issues is the position you are in when looking at your phone. Your head is often tilted downwards and positioned further forward than ideal posture. Try holding your phone or tablet up close to eye level. If your arms get tired from holding the screen higher then buy a holder to help elevate your device, or rest your elbows on some furniture. If you work on a laptop, get a second monitor and adjust the height.

4.       Sit in a chair with a headrest

The ergonomics of your chair can help you maintain correct posture and avoid neck injury. Use a chair that had a comfortable headrest for you to keep the back of your head up against it while using your device. This position can help prevent you from looking down with your head in a flexed forward position.

5.       Strengthen and stretch your muscles

Long-term forward head posture can over time cause imbalances in your neck and upper back muscles. To prevent these imbalances, it is good to strengthen and stretch your neck, upper back and chest.

6.       Listen to your body

If you experience any type of pain in your neck, upper back, headaches or perhaps even numbness or tingling in your arms, listen to your body and get it checked. There may be a more serious issue going on so never ignore these symptoms.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and would like more advice on any of the above points please contact us today at Body Care Health & Chiropractic!

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