

We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

How Poor Posture Is Affecting You!

Your body and spine are designed for movement, however a lot people live quite a sedentary lifestyle. Whether it be due to jobs such as desk jobs which require you to sit at a desk for a long period of time or perhaps it’s all of the time people spend sitting in front of the television of an evening. The longer you sit the more likely it is that your posture becomes more and more slumped.

Your spine should have certain curves that extend from your neck to your sacrum. Each of these curves act as a shock absorber to distribute forces through your spine. Your joints are to provide fluid movement to therefore make sure less pressure is placed on the muscles.

Benefits of good posture

-          The muscles have little load on them and therefore do not get chronically tight

-          You have less strain on your joints and therefore do not wear them down quickly

-          Less strain is placed on your spinal cord and exiting nerves

-          You will have an increase in mobility

-          Your breathe better

-          You have more energy

-          You have a lower risk of neck and back pain

When you develop poor, slouched posture

-          Negative changes in your spinal alignment will occur

-          More stress will be placed on your spine

-          Your body will require more energy to function

-          You will develop tight muscles and restricted joints

-          The chance of neck and back pain increases

Our advice to you

Do you best to maintain good posture throughout the day. The more effort you put into achieving this, this more natural it will become.

If you do have a desk job where you sit for long periods of time every day, you can get a stand up desk, lumbar support pillow, try to take short breaks ideally every 20-30mins at least, or you could even get a posture reminder device.

If you feel like you already have poor posture or are unsure whether you do or not, contact us today! In clinic we take posture photos and explain to you what has happened to your body’s alignment and will create a plan to correct it. We can also give you easy stretches and exercises you can do at home specific to your body.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
