

We at Body Care Health & Chiropractic specialise in Chiropractic care for all ages from pregnancy & infants, to aged & palliative care, as well as sports injury and ex-military.

Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder bursitis is an inflamed shoulder bursa. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac that helps to reduce friction between soft tissues and bones in a joint.

You have more than 150 bursae in your body. While bursa are present all over the body, the most common areas where inflammation or irritation occurs are at the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees.

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-          Most common: repetitive movements. These may be sport related but are commonly simple daily activities or occupations such as cleaning, gardening, hanging the washing, painting etc.

-          Prolonged pressure on a bursa

-          Injury, such as a fall

-          Other conditions including arthritis, gout, muscle weakness



The most common symptoms are pain and restriction of movement.

-          Gradual onset of pain progressively worsening in intensity over weeks or months

-          If due to an injury such as a fall, the pain may be rapid and intense

-          Locations of pain is typically on the outer aspect of the shoulder and often refers down the arm to the mid humerus and can even spread down past the elbow

-          Pain aggravated by lying on the affected side

-          Difficulty lifting the arm



Diagnosis of shoulder bursitis requires a full medical history and performing an orthopaedic and musculoskeletal examination. Your Chiropractor will also look at the area to see if there are any muscles, ligaments, tendons or joints that are aggravating the bursa.

Treatment involves relieving the pressure on these joints and on the shoulder bursa using a range of Chiropractic adjustment techniques, mobilization, soft tissue release techniques and also dry needling.


Good awareness of general posture and specific shoulder positioning is achieved with effective rotator cuff and scapula strength and stability, which can assist in preventing the recurrence of this injury.

If you would like to make an appointment to see a Chiropractor please do not hesitate to call us on 0409712075 or book online via our website www.bodycarechiro.com.au